

Tamarind Sauce

August 14, 2012
Tamarind Sauce

Tamarind  is a tree in the family Fabaceae indigenous to tropical Africa. Tamarind paste is prepared from tamarind. Tamarind sauce recipe is a common recipe in Asia. If we want to make this recipe at first we have to prepare tamarind paste. Tamarind sauce recipe is very popular recipe. We know that sauce increases the taste of food. Everybody likes this tamarind sauce recipe. In the 16th century, it was heavily introduced to Mexico, and to a lesser degree to South America, by Spanish and Portuguese colonists, to the degree that it became a staple ingredient in the region's cuisine. Today, South Asia and Mexico remain the largest consumers and producers of tamarind. As a tropical species, it is frost sensitive.The tree is most numerous in South Asia, where it is widely distributed and has a long history of human cultivation. It is called tetul  in Bengali. The fruit pulp is edible. The ripened fruit is considered the more palatable, as it becomes sweeter and less sour (acidic) as it matures. It is used in desserts as a jam. A traditional food plant in Africa, tamarind has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development and support sustainable landcare. The cooking process of this recipe is very easy. The method of preparation of tamarind sauce recipe is given below;
1/3 cup tamarind puree
3 cloves garlic( finely minced)
1 teaspoon roasted ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon minced chilli
2 teaspoon sugar
Salt to taste

* Combine all ingredients.
* Add 1/2 cup of water and boil. Correct taste adding sugar and salt.
*Serve with singara , samocha or dalpuri.

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